Punky Lion 1.2g


THC: 693 mg per package
LINEAGE: Chronic x Matanuska Tundra
TASTE: Cocoa, Sweet, Creamy
FEELING: Relaxed, Happy, Calm
FARM: Emerald Queen farms
PLACE GROWN: Willow Creek, Humboldt, CA
CULTIVATION STYLE: Outdoor, Sungrown, Mixed Light

Cultivated by Emerald Queen Farms, where cannabis is produced, the way it should be. Cultivated in the sun, with clean water, organic fertilizer, in native soil. The Emerald Queen sits atop her throne behind the veils of the Redwood Curtain, in the heart of the Emerald Triangle Kingdom. 2021 Emerald Cup Winner 2020 High Times Cannabis Cup Winner.

Punky Lion is a pure indica strain from Samsara Seeds that combines the strength of two other potent indicas, Chronic and Matanuska Tundra. Its dark buds have a sweet, earthy cocoa aroma, and when consumed, it induces heavily sedating effects expected from indica varieties.