Potion D' Amour

LINEAGE: Forbidden Fruit x Kush Cleaner
TASTE: Piny, Musky, Sweet
FEELING: Cerebral, Chill
FARM: Sabertooth farms
CULTIVATION STYLE: Outdoor, Sungrown

Cultivated by Sabertooth farms - the first Envirocann - EnvirOganic Certified Farm from Humboldt.

Potion D' Amour is a cross of Forbidden Fruit x Kush Cleaner strains. The terpene profile is a perfect mixture of Forbidden Fruit’s musky, sweet cherry undertones with loud tropical flavors along with notes of pine, mango, and passionfruit candy of Kush Cleaner gives a strong mix of earthiness and pine, much like that of its Jack Herer ancestor. Expect mellow relaxation will eventually permeate throughout the body, easing pain and tension.